The Basics of Poker


In a game of Poker, a player may choose to fold his or her hand if they believe that they do not have a winning hand. This player’s hand is referred to as a “kitty” and it is created by cutting a low-denomination chip out of any pot in which a player has raised more than once. The kitty is shared equally among players and is used for things such as food and new decks of cards. After each round of play, the remaining chips are divided among players who remain in the game. If a player leaves Poker before the game is finished, they lose all of their kitty chips.

While its roots are obscure, Poker has been played for centuries. Its game name has several different meanings, including “poker” in French and “poke” in Spanish. This Spanish term refers to a variation of the game. In Europe, the word “poker” is believed to have originated from the 17th century French game of poque. The game evolved into a number of different forms, including Texas Hold’em, Omaha, and Seven-Card Stud. Today, poker is played in numerous casinos worldwide, and is popular in social settings as well as in professional environments.

Almost all games of poker are played with poker chips. If there are more than six or seven players, poker chips should be supplied. The lowest-valued chip is called a white chip. The red chip is worth five whites. There are also blue and red chips. Blue chips are valued at two, four, or five reds. Players “buy in” to a game by purchasing chips. For most games, players buy in for the same amount of chips, ranging from one to twenty or more.