The Basics of Poker

The basic rules of poker are simple: a player must bet at least one chip, and he or she must check if he has nothing to offer. A flush is a set of five cards of the same suit. If Alex has a pair of kings, he can fold. If Dennis bets a dime and Brad calls, he has a jack. However, if neither of them has any of the aforementioned cards, they must fold.


Before starting a hand of poker, players must lay the foundation for the game. This foundation is the structure upon which the entire game is based. Unlike other games, in poker, the first player to bet is known as the ante. The next player to bet is called the “caller” and the player who matches the previous bettor’s bet is said to bet the same amount of chips as the previous bettor. The player who raises more than the previous bettor’s bet has the right to call, and so on. The last person to check is known as an “active player” and will not be able to bet.

In a standard game of poker, players are dealt a standard pack of 52 cards. Variations include playing with more than one deck and adding jokers. The cards are ranked from Ace high to Ace low, with Ace high being the highest, and from Ace low being the lowest. All poker hands consist of five cards, with the exception of pairs. There are also special symbols called “wild cards” that can change the suit of any card in the hand, allowing the player to make any number of hands.