A Casino Executive’s Guide to Understanding Casino Games


A good casino has elaborate surveillance systems to keep watch over every area. Cameras installed in the ceiling look at every table, doorway, and window. Cameras are adjusted to focus on suspicious patrons and video feeds are recorded for later review. In addition, all slot machines are computer-controlled, meaning that nobody can see what goes on below the machine. This is good for the casino’s bottom line, but can also cause headaches and hangovers for those who gamble.

A Continuous Shuffling Machine (CSM) is the most common land-based gaming machine. These machines are used to thwart card counters. A Croupier is a casino employee, often referred to as a dealer. The percentage of decks that remain before a shuffle is known as “deck penetration.”

Casinos are public places where players can wager money on games of chance. Despite the fact that gambling is the primary activity, many modern casinos have added several luxuries to attract patrons. Typical amenities include restaurants, free drinks, and dramatic scenery. Even less expensive places can qualify as a casino, as long as they have a gambling floor. There are also a variety of games that do not require dealers. Some casinos even have “indoor” versions of their games.

One of the most common mistakes made by casino professionals is that they fail to understand basic mathematics. The basic mathematics behind casino games is important in ensuring the fairness of games and that players get paid. However, some regulations can also dictate game rules. A casino executive must understand the impact of changing game rules on expected gaming revenue. If they cannot explain the mathematical aspects of casino games, they may be hindering their success. So, what can a casino executive do to ensure this?